video del medico di Nefrologia responsabile dell’Unità di dialisi pediatrica dell’ospedale specialistico pediatrico Rantissi di Gaza
ti inviamo un video del medico di Nefrologia responsabile dell’Unità di dialisi pediatrica dell’ospedale specialistico pediatrico Rantissi di Gaza, il dr. Moahmmed Al Aqar.
Speravamo di ospitarlo nell’Ospedale Pediatrico Santobono di Napoli, per un periodo di formazione e scambio di 3 mesi ed abbiamo raccolto i fondi per questo scopo. Ma non è riuscito ad attraversare il confine perché gli è stato negato il passaggio da parte degli egiziani, e non sono state fornite ragioni.
Sottratte le spese già fatte per questo progetto “abortito” (voli, visti, assicurazione, servizi telefonico e wifi, abbonamento bus, cioè quasi il 30% del fondo messo da parte) abbiamo i fondi residui da utilizzare e abbiamo deciso di spenderli per sostenere l’acquisto di forniture per il Dipartimento di Nefrologia, Unità di dialisi, dell’ospedale specialistico pediatrico Rantissi.
Visitando di persona il reparto, sappiamo che questo contributo sarà utile e molto gradito, e voi ascoltando il video capirete quante sono le esigenze non soddisfatte per l’unità di dialisi, a causa della scarsità di fondi nel Ministero della Salute.
Pertanto, vi chiediamo di aiutare attraverso di noi a dare sostegno a questa unità di dialisi e ad adottare uno dei 42 bambini che trascorrono 3-4 ore della loro vita ogni due giorni attaccati alla macchina per emodialisi.
In primo luogo e subito, speriamo di acquistare direttamente dalle aziende di Gaza le forniture mediche più urgenti da loro segnalate per la cifra residua dal training mancato, e se ci riusciamo con il vostro aiuto futuro fornire strumenti necessari.
Speriamo nel tempo di riuscire a fornire strumenti non medici ma che possano dare più conforto e rendere meglio usate per i bambini, ce ne sono 42 tra i 2 ei 15 anni, per esempio un aiuto a non perdere l’istruzione o per farli intrattenere mentre sono incatenati ai tubi, anche perché questo li aiuterebbe a non essere più fragili nel loro percorso scolastico e sociale.
Naturalmente, contiamo su di voi
Salute a tutti
Paola Manduca, Prof. Genetics
Dear all,
we send you a video by a Nephrologist, dr Mohammed Al Aqar, responsible for the Unit of pediatric dialysis in the specialistic pediatric hospital Rantissi in Gaza.
We hoped to host him in the Pediatric hospital Santobono in Naples for training and exchange for a period of 3 months. We collected funds sufficient for this aim. But he did not manage to cross the border due to the Egyptians denial of exit, and not reason off course were given.
Once we subtracted the expenses done already for this “aborted” project (flights, visa, insurance, phone and wifi services, bus pass, i.e. almost 30%) we have the residual funds to use and decided to spend them to support all the same the Department of Nephrology at Rantissi.
Visiting in person the department, I know this contribution would be very welcome; you will learn why from the video by dr. Mohammed, that tells us that many are the needs not fulfilled easily for the Dialysis unit, due to scarcity of funds in the Ministry of Health.
Thus, here we ask you to help through a donation to us in order to give your support to this unit and adopt one of the 42 children that spend 3-4 hours of their lives every second day attacked to the hemodialysis machine.
Immediately, we will buy directly from Gaza companies the most urgent medical supplies, as listed by the Department of Rantissi, and eventually we hope to buy some instruments.
Hopefully in time we hope to provide so that the children, there is 42 of them between 2 to 15 years of age, may have more comfort while in hospital, some help not miss education or manage to be engaged in a good activity while they are chained to the tubes for 3-4 hours. This may have value in helping them to be less fragile among the other children both in school and socially.
Off course, we count on you
Best to all
PRESS RELEASE “15 years of Gaza blockade: what’s the role of the EU?”
A cross party hearing was held yesterday at the European Parliament, under the title “15 years of Gaza blockade: what’s the role of the EU?”
Francesca Albanese, recently appointed UN Special Rapporteur on Palestine, said that the blockade “is nothing short than settler colonialism” and that “the priority should be first and foremost to put an end to the illegal occupation.”
Michael Lynk, former UN Special Rapporteur on Palestine, said that Gaza has been
transformed into an open-air prison and that Israeli authorities regularly recur to collective punishment, something that is forbidden under international law.
Mona Shtaya, member of 7amleh, The Arab Center for Social Media Advancement, draw the attention of the attendees to the growing Israeli surveillance system: the Israeli authorities, she said, “surveil the Palestinian social networks.” Moreover, “bugs are installed on mobile phones to surveil private conversations of the inhabitants of Gaza, making use of techniques of espionage.”
Asmaa Abu Mezied, member of Oxfam, said that “the depolitization” of the international aid is part of the problem. “As long as we talk only of assistance without accountability, there will not be any advancement” towards the end of the Gaza blockade, she said. At the conference Members of the European Parliament and participants received recommendations from civil society and call for actions that include:
➢ Respect the legitimate and unalienable rights of self-determination of Palestinian people,
including supporting the right to hold national elections.
➢ Acknowledge that the situation of the Palestinian people in Gaza is so catastrophic that no conditions can be accepted from the occupying power Israel, for it to lift the blockade.
Recall that the blockade has brought no security for either Israel or Palestinians;
➢ Demand the government of Israel, the occupying power, to lift the blockade immediately and unconditionally including: – Unrestricted passage of people and goods between Gaza and the West Bank and the
rest of the world; – Removal of the Access Restricted Area and of restrictions on fishing zones;
➢ Include these demands as conditions in all agreements in all political, diplomatic, cultural, military and economic relations with Israel. Prepare a mandatory timeframe with verifiable intermediate steps. Adopt the principle of sanctions if the timeframe is not respected.
➢ Call on the Egyptian authorities to further facilitate the movement of persons and goods to and from the Gaza Strip, and put an end to any restrictive measures.
➢ Establish discussion channels of direct dialogue with all the Palestinian counterparts to facilitate the furthering of the process.
➢ There must be a just and sustainable peace for all Israelis and Palestinians. Alleged war crimes committed in each round of violence must be investigated and prosecuted ensuring accountability according to the documented results of investigations into war crimes and crimes against humanity, according to the full respect of international laws and the UN recognized mechanisms of recommendations and implementation.
These action points will allow the EU to end its complicity in grave violations of
international law, and honour its own commitments and standards.
Israel’s assaults on public health infrastructure amount to war crimes″>
Nowhere was the human toll of Israel’s May 2021 aggresssion felt more acutely than at al-Shifa hospital, which was frequently overwhelmed and chronically understocked Naaman Omar APA images
In May 2021, the Israeli military dropped hundreds of bombs on the Gaza Strip, destroying houses, schools, businesses, and health care facilities.
Perhaps nowhere was the human toll of that month more apparent than at al-Shifa hospital, the “only hospital in Gaza equipped for emergency assistance.”
Doctors worked for days on end, rarely sleeping or eating and unable to see their families as they frantically treated hundreds of wounded Palestinian patients – at least, those patients who could actually reach the hospital.
Outside the hospital grounds, streets were so badly damaged by Israeli airstrikes that paramedics struggled to bring patients directly to al-Shifa.
In the span of those 11 days in May, Israeli occupation forces wreaked havoc on Gaza’s already precarious public health system, damaging or destroying 19 medical centers, including the offices of the Palestine Children’s Relief Fund, a nonprofit that provides cancer treatment and medical prosthetics to children who are unable to seek care outside of Gaza due to Israeli blockades.
The Israeli military’s actions in 2021 were, unfortunately, nothing new. Numerous Israeli bombing campaigns have damaged or destroyed primary health infrastructure in the occupied Gaza Strip, including clinics and hospitals as well as key public health services like water treatment facilities, sewage treatment plants, and electrical grids.
This is not accidental. Israel relies on – among other strategies – the destruction of Palestinian health infrastructure, the targeting of medical personnel, and inhibiting Palestinian access to health care to enforce its regime of apartheid.
Yet Western health officials often overlook these acts, which are nothing short of war crimes, and this passive complicity violates our promise as health care professionals to do no harm. The physical and mental health of the Palestinian people is a central component of Palestinian liberation and must be discussed as such.
A health care void
Israel’s military offensives against Palestine have both created and exacerbated existing public health concerns within the occupied Gaza Strip and West Bank. Beginning with the Nakba in 1948, Israel has made it a matter of policy to destroy not only Palestinian homes and communities, but clinics, hospitals, and other health infrastructure.
Israeli airstrikes on Gaza in 2021 damaged or destroyed numerous clinics, a water treatment facility, and infrastructure related to COVID-19 testing and treatment. Nearly 2,000 Palestinians in Gaza were injured during Israel’s May 2021 military assault and hospitals were overwhelmed.
The outright destruction of Palestinian health infrastructure, such as the bombing of a clinic operated by Doctors Without Borders, is accompanied by direct physical violence against health care personnel.
The Israeli military have killed medical professionals, including doctors Ayman Abu al-Ouf and Muin al-Aloul in 2021 and paramedic Razan al-Najjar, who was killed by Israeli snipers in 2018.
Often leaders and pillars of their communities, doctors killed by the Israeli military leave behind both a physical and psychological void of health care and security.
The actions of the Israeli government and occupying military forces are indefensible by any interpretation of international humanitarian law, yet they are ignored at every opportunity by world leaders. In no other country and in no other war would such actions be left unaddressed by the Western medical community.
Since the Russian invasion of Ukraine, the American Medical Association has issued no shortage of press releases calling the targeting of civilians and healthcare workers “unconscionable.”
To be sure, the actions of Russia are unconscionable, but so too is the inaction of Western doctors and health care personnel to stand in solidarity with our Palestinian counterparts.
Bodily health is resistance
Along with the destruction of Palestinian health infrastructure and the targeted killings of Palestinian health care workers, the Israeli government imposes draconian restrictions on the movement of Palestinians seeking health care in Gaza and the West Bank.
Medical travel permits are often delayed, lost or ignored by Israeli occupation forces operating checkpoints out of Gaza. Figures from the World Health Organization estimate that the Israeli government and military accepted only 54 percent of medical travel permits in 2017.
Blockades and checkpoints operated by Israeli occupation forces grossly impede not only the day-to-day freedoms of Palestinians, but prevent ambulances from transporting critically ill and injured patients.
Despite the close proximity of the Israeli and Palestinian populations, infant and maternal mortality rates remain markedly higher for Palestinians, and life expectancy is almost 10 years shorter. The rates of stroke, hypertension, coronary artery disease, diabetes, and neonatal disorders range from three to seven times higher for Palestinians as compared with Israelis.
This is by design.
The Israeli government has removed or prevented the construction of systems of care and residences – denying building permits and demolishing homes. Living under a regime of occupation and apartheid carries with it a heavy physical toll, one that cannot be adequately expressed through statistics.
Bodily integrity and bodily health are identified as key components to individual prosperity. The right of self-determination and Palestinian liberation are incumbent upon the general health of the Palestinian population, both of which the Israeli government aims to destroy.
The health care workers and public health personnel living and working under Israeli occupation are a testament to Palestinian strength and resistance, and public health officials in Palestine must have their calls to action echoed by their colleagues internationally.
Outside of Palestine, health care professionals should be among the first to apply pressure to Western governments to end funding absent a change of Israeli behavior and to condemn and uncover Israeli war crimes.
Targeting the health care sector is a grave crime against humanity and in further analysis of global health policy, it is imperative we address Israel’s action as such.
Emily Hacker received her MPH degree from the University of Utah. Her research interests focus on public health infrastructure and emergency medical services in the context of war zones and refugee settings.
LOCATION: EU Parliament, room: SPINELLI 1G2 (BRU) hosted by: Marc Botenga
MEP (the Left), Margrete Auken MEP (Greens)
MICHAEL LYNK, former UN Special Rapporteur on Palestine (online): Towards a
lifting of the Gaza blockade – How to ensure an effective EU / UN collaboration in easing
access and movement restrictions for people and goods
FRANCESCA ALBANESE, new UN Special Rapporteur on Palestine: Upcoming
UN priorities and the urgency of ensuring human rights protection for the people in
the Gaza Strip
ASMAA ABU MEZIED, Oxfam, Gaza Strip: The economic and humanitarian
impact of the blockade. Focus on the impact on women
MONA SHTAYA, 7amleh (online): Gaza as a testing ground for Israeli military and
cyber-surveillance technology
Languages: EN/AR/FR/ES –
parlamentari europei che supportano ICE
Parlamentari europeri che supportano campagna ICE
concerto per i bambini di Gaza a Genova
Stop al blocco di Gaza
Il 2022 segna il 15° anno di un blocco totale della striscia di Gaza da parte di Israele.
2,3 milioni di palestinesi vivono nella più grande prigione a cielo aperto del mondo, privati dei diritti umani fondamentali. Il blocco, applicato sistematicamente con intenzione, è parte integrante della politica dell’apartheid che frammenta la Palestina storica e domina il suo popolo.
Il blocco nega il passaggio di persone e merci dentro e fuori Gaza, rendendola totalmente isolata e invisibile dal resto del mondo. Il mondo viene a conoscenza di Gaza solo quando è sotto pesanti attacchi militari – 4 volte negli ultimi 15 anni.
Il blocco è una violenza silenziosa quotidiana e continua ed ha un impatto su ogni aspetto della vita. Sebbene gli abitanti di Gaza siano noti per la loro straordinaria capacità di recupero, 15 anni di blocco disumano li hanno portati a un punto di rottura. È necessaria un’azione urgente.
Lo scopo di questa campagna è quello di
· Evidenziare l’urgenza di una soluzione politica
· Pretendere la revoca immediata e incondizionata del blocco · Sostenere l’unità palestinese
Porgiamo la nostra mano ai palestinesi nei loro sforzi per l’autodeterminazione, la libertà e la dignità.
Le richieste elencate nel position paper
Non c’è Palestina senza Gaza e non c’è Gaza vivibile con il proseguimento del blocco
(Testo del volantino preparato per l’azione del 30 marzo a Genova, Italia)
Gaza è stata un punto focale degli attacchi di Israele attraverso un blocco continuo estremamente intenso per 15 anni.
Il blocco ha causato grave de-crescita, sofferenza e mancanza di beni essenziali per la vita della popolazione di Gaza: acqua potabile, medicinali e cure mediche, diritto di circolazione e commercio.
Il blocco ha vietato inoltre l’uso delle risorse naturali della terra e della zona di pesca e le produzioni autosufficienti manifatturiere e industriali.
Il blocco aggrava la negazione dei diritti all’autodeterminazione del popolo, già inibito dai 55 anni di occupazione della Palestina.
Il blocco ha reso impossibile la contiguità tra i palestinesi e ha promosso all’esterno la falsa idea che Gaza sia una questione separata, mentre piuttosto è il risultato di una forma grave dello stesso apartheid imposta all’insieme delle terre colonizzate.
Portare in primo piano la terribile situazione di Gaza, il rapporto tra Gaza e la Palestina e l’oppressione sistematica dei palestinesi, è il motivo per cui chiediamo l’arresto immediato e incondizionato del blocco di Gaza, come passo urgente ed essenziale per la libertà di Palestina.
Unisciti alla campagna “libertà per Gaza” ORA
Questa campagna è un’iniziativa dell’ECCP, il Coordinamento Europeo dei Comitati e delle Associazioni per la Palestina (ECCP) dedicato alla lotta del popolo palestinese per la libertà e la giustizia. ECCP ha sede a Bruxelles e ha uno status giuridico di organizzazione senza scopo di lucro ai sensi del diritto belga.
Appello all’azione il 30 marzo
La campagna “Stop il blocco di Gaza” inizia il 30 marzo, il Giorno della Terra, un giorno cruciale nella lotta del popolo palestinese per reclamare la propria terra dove ha vissuto per secoli. In questo giorno del 1976 il governo israeliano annunciò l’espropriazione di un’ampia fetta di terra palestinese che scatenò una protesta diffusa in tutta la Palestina storica, non solo nella Cisgiordania occupata ma anche all’interno di Israele. Questo giorno è quindi celebrato come il giorno del diritto dei palestinesi alla loro terra indigena e dell’unità.
Il 30 marzo segna anche l’inizio della Grande Marcia del Ritorno (GMR) a Gaza 4 anni fa (2018). Da 40.000 a 50.000 manifestanti hanno marciato verso la recinzione di confine che separa Gaza da Israele, sostenendo simbolicamente il loro diritto al ritorno e alla libertà di movimento sancito dal diritto internazionale e dalla dichiarazione sui diritti umani. Da quel giorno la GMR è continuata ogni venerdì per più di un anno. L’esercito israeliano ha aperto il fuoco contro i manifestanti disarmati. Ciò ha provocato un numero sbalorditivo di morti e feriti di civili tra cui donne, bambini e anziani, anche disabili. Questo è stato un crimine di guerra. Ma fino ad oggi nessun responsabile è stato imputato.
A Gaza, il costo umano per commemorare la GMR con un’altra simile protesta è stato troppo alto, vista la brutale repressione militare passata e presente. Il popolo di Gaza osserverà questo giorno ricordando i propri caduti e le proprie perdite, ma anche con rinnovata sfida contro il blocco, l’oppressione e l’ingiustizia. Mostriamo la nostra solidarietà alla popolazione di Gaza attraverso un’azione sui social media a livello europeo per commemorare la giornata e segnare l’inizio della campagna.
Unisciti a noi nell’azione sui social media il 30 marzo
Le locandine in varii formati in Italiano sono disponibili qui:
Gli hashtag
#LandDay #StopGazaBlockade #EndIsraeliApartheid #FreePalestine #ReunitePalestine
#Giorno della Terra #StopGazaBlocco #EndIsraeliApartheid #Palestina libera #Riunire la Palestina
Tutti gli hashtag e gli strumenti per i social
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Support this initiative proposed by European Union citizens
Ensuring Common Commercial Policy conformity with EU Treaties and compliance with international law
We seek to regulate commercial transactions with Occupant’s entities based or operating in occupied territories by withholding products originating from there from entering the EU market. The Commission, as Guardian of the Treaties, has to ensure consistency of Union’s policy and compliance with fundamental rights and international law in all areas of EU law, including CCP. It must propose legal acts based on the Common Commercial Policy to prevent EU legal entities from both importing products originating in illegal settlements in occupied territories and exporting to such territories, in order to preserve the integrity of the internal market and to not aid or assist the maintenance of such unlawful situations. The initiative thus invites the Commission to submit a proposal for a legal act under the Common Commercial Policy which is general in nature and does not target a specific country or territory.